What’s Going on this Week? – 3/3
– Huge shoutout to our Collective Performance Company dancers for collecting 2024 pounds of food to donate to SECOR! SECOR said it was the biggest single donation that they have ever had!
– Applause for our Encore Competitive Team who had an outstanding weekend at their third competition of the season!
– Collective Performance Company Parent Info and Interest Meeting is THIS WEDNESDAY, March 5th at 7:30 in the Purple Studio.
– Spring Break camps have a couple spots open! Enroll now using your DSP account to reserve your spot!
– Summer enrollment and classes are filling! Classes that are already closed to enrollment are Tuesday 10+ Block, Wicked: Part 1 Hip-Hop section, and Munchkin Mashup production. Let us know how we can help you find the perfect class or camp for your dancer!